About Us: Why Narnia?

Hi, I’m Susan.  Here are some things you might like to know about me:

  • Jesus is my Saviour and Lord.
  • I’ve been married to Herb for 35 years.  We’ve lived in Africa, France and the United States.
  • We have four wonderful kids (a son and three daughters), three wonderful kids-in-law, and two beautiful grandkids.
  • We live on a small farm with about 3 dozen animals, give or take a few.  But that’s another story and another blog.

The story of this blog began 26 years ago in Africa when a kind family sent our missionary family a box of books.  Our son, who had just learned to read, found a paperback copy of The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe in the box.  He sat down on the couch and scarcely moved until he’d read the entire book.

That marked the beginning of our family’s love affair with C. S. Lewis’ The Chronicles of Narnia.  Herb has read them aloud to our children countless times, first to Jim, Katie and Jenny . . .

. . . and later to Kara, too.  From Africa to the U.S. to France and back to the U.S., Herb has brought the books to life for all of us with different voices for Aslan, Bree, Puddleglum and other memorable characters.  Even after they could read for themselves in both French and English, the kids loved to hear their Dad read The Chronicles of Narnia aloud.

And that is why, nearly a quarter of a century later (awaiting the birth of our first grandchild), I looked into the attic of our new house and knew I wanted it to become Narnia, to bring joy to our grandchildren as Narnia had to their parents before them.

This quote from The Voyage of the Dawn Treader says it better than I ever could:

“I am [in your world],” said Aslan. “But there I have another name. You must learn to know me by that name. That was the very reason you were brought to Narnia, that by knowing me here for a little, you may know me better there.”

It’s my hope and prayer that our grandchildren, who are already learning to love Jesus, will know him better as they enjoy the stories of Aslan the Lion who also gave his life to save his world.

I hope you enjoy this journey with us!

15 thoughts on “About Us: Why Narnia?”

  1. Hello Susan, I think your blog is lovely and I have nominated you for the Liebster Award. Here’s the link: http://wp.me/p2TELX-Cg
    Congrats! *(^____^)*

    • Thank you so much, newbloggycat, for the nomination. Unfortunately, I don’t feel able to accept at this time because I can’t fulfill the requirements. But I truly appreciate the encouragement! Thank you!

  2. Wonderful blog!
    I just stumbled upon your page and I am grateful.
    Simply lovely,
    -Brooke’s Sister

  3. I’ve nominated you for the Liebster Award! Check out my post to find out more details 🙂 http://readingforthemasses.wordpress.com/2013/12/23/liebster-award-100th-post/

  4. I was wondering, is there is already a book or blog that takes the excerpts from each of the Narnia Chronicles of the encounters/dialogues the characters have with Aslan? I find these scenes deeply moving – the albatross flying overhead leading the crew of the Dawn Treader out of the miasma of the Dark Island, Aslan walking alongside Shasta throughout the night to keep him from falling off the cliff in The Horse and His Boy… to name just a couple.

  5. Hi Susan! I am currently working on a post for one magazine called ” Furnishings that could be right out of Narnia’ and I can’t think of a better person to ask for some inspiring ideas 🙂 any suggestions? 🙂

    • Since you asked . . . of course I have suggestions! 🙂 Lots of them! Here’s my Pinterest page:

      There are six separate boards with lots of Narnia ideas and furnishings.
      You could also check out the page (up at the very top of this blog) “Purveyors of All Things Narnia.” I tried to list all my sources there.
      I hope this helps!

  6. You’re so welcome!

  7. Chris McGill said:

    Thank you so much for your detailed post on the doll house.
    I am just starting to try to refurbish a 1946 doll house that is a bit of a mess.
    I am thinking of also using your siding ideas.

    Do you think painting the wood first before attaching it to the house would eliminate some of the issues you experienced.
    I am anxious to hear your thoughts.
    Chris McGill

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